Article: BFI FAN: Green Hour – Digital Sustainability

BFI FAN: Green Hour is a new series of events for UK film exhibitors focusing on environmental sustainability. These events are open to all UK-wide BFI FAN members.

Digital Sustainability

Join us from 14:00 – 15:00 on Monday 4 December for our first edition, where we’ll be exploring Digital Sustainability.

While we understand the impact of the film exhibition sector’s physical operations – be that heating and powering your venue, travel for your team and guests, or your food and beverage offer – your organisation’s digital footprint can often seem more difficult to quantify. 

In this session, we will discuss the environmental challenges that come with working in a digital context and what steps film exhibitors can take to reduce their digital carbon footprint.

We’ll be joined by Alice Bonnot (Environmental Sustainability Specialist, Julie’s Bicycle), Lou Hargreaves (Executive Director, Abandon Normal Devices) and James Coleman (Managing Director, Supercool), who will talk about their journey into digital sustainability and how to implement greener online practices.

Session recording

Missed this event? You can catch up with a recording on our YouTube channel.


This is a nationwide event, open to all members of the BFI Film Audience Network’s regional and national Film Hubs. Find and join your local Film Hub here.

BFI FAN: Green Hour is delivered by Film Hub North on behalf of the BFI Film Audience Network.

If you have any queries about the event or are interested in taking part in a future edition, please get in touch at:

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